What should citizens want to place a booster dose of Janssen's vaccine against Covid-19?

What should citizens want to place a booster dose of Janssen's vaccine against Covid-19?

The booster dose of Janssen vaccine vs Covid-19 can be administered 2 months after first vaccination with the same vaccine.

The booster dose of the Janssen vaccine may also be administered after a vaccination course against COVID-19 with Pfizer / Biontech and Moderna vaccines. In these cases, the bushy dose administration interval is 3 months.

In the Covid-19 vaccination register already created functionality that allows the introduction of a fusion dose of Janssen vaccine. This means that citizens receive their European digital Covid certificate immediately after vaccination.

We recall that the Irn vaccine (the manufacturer Pfizer / Biontech or Moderna) can be placed as a booster dose after a completed vaccine course with mRNA or a vector vaccine (Astrazeneca or Janssen) no earlier than 3 months after the completed vaccination course .

The Ministry of Health and the Expert Advisory Board of Immunoprophylaxis recommended recommended the CVID-19 prejudices to be vaccinated with a complete immunization scheme not earlier than 3 months after laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis. In persons diseased from COVID-19 after first dose of vaccines with duzzle immunization regimen, the second dose of vaccine was placed not earlier than 3 months after confirmation of the diagnosis.

Vaccines protect against severe disease, hospitalization and lethal end.

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Source: Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България

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