Hotel "Flamingo" in Sunny Beach with a gesture to the medics in the country
The team of the Flamingo Hotel in Sunny Beach also supports the medical efforts in the country and join the initiative:
" Your mission is our health, our mission is your holiday!"
"Our way to show empathy and respect for you is to invite you to a deserved holiday at preferential prices," they say "Flamingo".
Here is what their suggestion is:
1 overnight for two based on All Inclusive Light:
In the period 07 June - 30 June - BGN 80 for two
In the period 01 July - 15 July - 100 leva for two
In the period 20 August - 31 August - 100 BGN for two
In the period 1 September-30 September - 75 leva for two
Offer is available to all employees in the health sector and their families.
In interest, you can call at the hotel reception:
- 054 24625; [ 0884 766 628 ] (TEL: 0884 766 628)
You can contact them at the following e-mail address: [ ] (Mailto:
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