Medical colleges from the whole country want the resignation of the NHIF Manager Prof. Petko Salchev
Eighteen regional medical colleges from the country demanded the resignation of the NHIF Chairman - Prof. Petko Salchev. They are: RLK Sofia, RLK Sofia - District, RLK Burgas, RLK Pernik, RLK Blagoevgrad, PLK Plovdiv, RLK Kardjali, RLK Pazardjik, RLK Sliven, RLK Varna, RLK V.Tarnovo , RLK Dobrich, RLK Vratsa, PLK Montana and RLK Haskovo.
In the BLS headquarters, declarations where colleges from across the country insist on the NHIF manager to withdraw from his post.
This is the second time in which a number of regional colleges of the country want the resignation of Prof. Salchev. The first time was in the summer when they supported the declaration of the Sofia College.
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