Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Extraordinary measures to deal with the staff...
The forecast is up to 10 years of retirement-age doctors to be over half of practitioners
moreDr. Madjarov: There is no cause of dissatisfaction with personal...
This was said about BTA President of the Bulgarian Medical Union Dr. Ivan Madjarov
moreDr. Madjarov: Our task is to secure the incomes of doctors and...
This was said the Chair of BLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov during the briefing of the health authorities in the Ministry of Health
Честотата на пост-COVID състоянията нараства с напредването на възрастта
morePregnant women can be vaccinated against Covid-19 after the...
The scientific data accumulated so far does not show adverse effects of vaccines on pregnant women, but on the contrary, testify to a protective effect of vaccines, incl. and for some...
moreSpecialists developed an objective vaccination calculator for...
The calculator is published on the BMS site for free use.
moreMarch 29: 1 134 906 The confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
1 442 are newly diagnosed with COVID-19 persons in our country for the past 24 hours.
moreMarch 28: 1 133 464 The confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
362 are newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection in our country in the last 24 hours
moreDr. Nikolay Brunzalov: Unable to make sudden reforms of an exhausted...
In order to make any reform, there must be a prepared resource.
moreMarch 25: 1 131,065 are the confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
1 424 are newly diagnosed with COVID-19 persons in our country during the last day.
moreBulgarian medical union with support for disorders in Ukraine
The professional organization is involved in helping distress people in Ukraine with a donation of BGN 5,000