We mark the European donation and organ transplant day

We mark the European donation and organ transplant day

In today's date, we note the European donation and organ transplant day. This year's motto of the initiative is "just say yes!". Let people understand that you support donation! ".

Bulgarian medical union also unconditionally supports the initiative, seeing a way in an appropriate way this delicate and at the same time highly specialized medical activity. "Donior is a difficult but fateful solution. It is the last good one who can do to this world! "Said the Chairman of the BLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov.

Unfortunately, our country is still in the last ranks of Europe by number of transplants realized. And the reason for this is not just the refusal to be donated organs, but also the presence of structural problems in the sector.

1010 are patients in Bulgaria waiting for transplantation. One donor can save 8 human life through organs donation and improve the life of up to 100 people through donation of fabrics. "Being a man means being ready to donate life and after they do not, because life does not end with us!" Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov, Deputy Chairman of the Predict Organization.

On the European Day of Donation and Organ Transplant, we also remember the personality of Prof. Alexander Chirkov, who committed the first successful heart transplant in the Balkans.

In the context of today, we recall that BLS has been alerted for the staff deficit that affects this field of activity. Unlike most European countries, in Bulgaria the resuscitators are also donation coordinators, while in developed healthcare systems these activities are assigned to relevant units secured by a sufficient number of specialists.

Regardless of the problems we face, we give our tribute to those who donated life after their death, and thank their families for the difficult but humanish decision. "Donior is salvation. Every donated body is a new chance of life! ", DR V. Peev, Ch. Secretary of the BLS Management Board and Deputy Chairman Dr. Hr. Shivachev noted: "Donior is the unique opportunity to give another sunrise, welcomed with a smile and the embrace of a close man."

At today, we also thank the colleagues who are very laboring and do not give up to work in such a delicate and highly specialized direction in medicine, which saves and improves the quality of human life.

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International partners

WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists