Position of Dr. Dyakova on dropping out of paper recipe

Position of Dr. Dyakova on dropping out of paper recipe


My name is Snezhan Dyakova, I am in the MoI Medical Institute's system and I am currently working in the Medical Service of the MoI District Directorate in Gabrovo.

I am writing to you in my own name and on behalf of many colleagues who disagree with the idea in the country only electronic recipes are valid.

Until two years ago, I was mostly working abroad and I have enough experience with health systems in other countries.

In countries where I have worked - Britain, Libya, Malta and Kuwait, electronic recipes are issued in the system of state health care facilities because medicines are free. In parallel, ordinary paper recipes are mandatory when purchasing medicines in all other pharmacies, with each purchase recipe if it is for a single embodiment or if it concerns a chronic disease therapy is specified that it can be repeated to several times, each time Register what is given when and from whom. For a higher degree of control, paper recipes in Libya wrote them with Indigo so that one copy (the original) remain at the pharmacy and the other copy to stay in the patient. On the copy the pharmacist is signed with the date and time of the recipe. If any of the drugs lack, the pharmacist writes a new original recipe for the patient to be able to search in another pharmacy, b.c. The copy can not be used a second time.

Worldwide recipes are mandatory for most medicines. Recipes reported by doctors from other countries.

It is unacceptable to take such an important decision without discussion. A deadline of 14 days has been declared for Emale's views of the ministry of healthcare in which Easter days off except the end of the week.

Any solution should be meaningful, taken after detailed looking, not to be hasty and to be wisely wise and rest of respect and concern, not to become a demonstration of arrogance, power and bureaucracy behind which is most often actually prepare conditions for abuse.

Regards-Snezhan Dyakova

Medical Service in the ADMM

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