First Investment Bank, United Bulgarian Bank and Alint insurance broker with special discounts and preferential conditions for doctors

First Investment Bank, United Bulgarian Bank and Alint insurance broker with special discounts and preferential conditions for doctors

** First Investment Bank, United Bulgarian Bank and Alint insurance broker with special discounts and preferential conditions for doctors in Bulgaria. in white. "

The preferential conditions for doctors of First Investment Bank, United Bulgarian Bank and Aliant Insurance Broker are available in the specially created section of the Bulgarian Medical Union website, which you can see here: [ https: // /bg/finansovi-uslugi-i-zastrakhovane_c83**?

The initiative "Business in Support of Heroes in White" includes over 40 partners who provide different discounts for rest, sports, training, visit to theater, eating, eased banking conditions, opportunities for easy purchase, as well as other services of doctors.

Complete information about the national campaign, the companies that are included, the eastern conditions and/or the preferential prices they offer to the medics in our country, and how doctors can benefit from them is published in a specially created section of the Bulgarian website Medical Union (the business in support of the characters in white) that you can find here: [] chance://

For more information, you can contact the headquarters of the professional organization by telephone: [0889 483597] (TEL: 0889 483597) and by email:

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