Born for a doctor. Dr. Maria Dinkova between scientific achievements and hospitals

Born for a doctor. Dr. Maria Dinkova between scientific achievements and hospitals

Young, talented and purposeful. Thus describe Dr. Maria Dinkova her colleagues in UMHALSM "N. I. Pirogov ". It is a new but qualitative addition to the Children's Anesthesiology Clinic and Resuscitation in the Healing establishment. For her, medicine was a children's dream, and even though he had initially thought he would be engaged in surgery, he enjoyed he had found the place he really belongs to.

"Amazing child! I am proud that such young people are part of our clinic, "said Maria Assoc. Rumiana Andonova, Chief of Children's Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Clinics.

Dr. Dinkova is one of the nine full classes of a 2020 class at the Faculty of Medical faculty. At the hypocratic oath ceremony, she presented her 477 colleagues.

Behind the Golden Hippocrates Prise, which Dr. Dinkova received, a lot of work, dedication, but also love for knowledge. Several years Maria participated in the International Congress of Medical Sciences - ICMS, even managing to win a reward for his project dedicated to sterility. He has innate perfectionism, but further develops during training under the Erasmus + program in Japan.

Despite its science's achievements, Maria believes that its real place is in the hospital in patients. Small patients.

For almost half a year she donates them with all its energy and care, in the meantime in the heat of the pandemic manages to help his colleagues at the Covid Department in Pirogov.

- Dr. Dinkova, why and how did you decide to deal with medicine? It was your childhood dream or idea gone later as a realized choice?

  • There has never been a hesitation that I will be a doctor. Literally from 2 years old I was engaged in my toys operations. Absolute children's dream, the idea of ​​a day today remains a mystery to me. Over the years, my desire and purposefulness just became stronger.

- What is the price of being a golden hippocrates? What is behind the full honors of medicine?

  • Much stubborn, stubbornness, patience and nerves. Perfectism remains my biggest drawback. For many people, full distinction does not mean much. Unfortunately, the organization of medical education in Bulgaria has many more way to go to true objective assessment.

- Each year you are actively involved in ICMS. What motivates you to deal with science and what is she for you?

  • It was the "distant" period I was looking for which direction to take. Icms met me with extremely inspiring people. I will never forget the advice of Dr. Ross Fisher about who is your specialty - the one in which you are most boring with enthusiasm and desire. But I have convinced that in anesthesiology and resuscitation boring there is no. And about science, there is no progress without it.

[Entire interview.] (Https://

Source: Quo vadis Quo vadis

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