Looking for: My doctor

Looking for: My doctor

According to medical data, the median age of doctors in Bulgaria is 53 years. Every fourth is in retirement age. After 15 years, the forecast is every second to be a retired. In general practitioners, the trend is even more worrying, they are among the most aging groups of doctors. The average age for them is 58 years. Every third is in retirement age. Only after 5 years the forecast is almost half of being retired. And after 10-15 years, many more practitioners will not be among the living.

Without measures, we will return to the last century, they say the medical union.

"We will be back at that moment in which it was our state in the early 20th century when the number of doctors was such that there was 1 doctor only in a municipal city and this was great happiness, and several doctors in district city. We will practically return 120 years back, "said Dr. Ivan Madjarov, Chairman of the BLS Managing Board.

The ad is getting more up to date "My doctor is looking for."

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Source: bTV Media Group bTV Media Group

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