Dr. Albert Schweitzer's exciting story

Dr. Albert Schweitzer's exciting story

"Sometimes our own light goes out and is ignited by the spark of someone else. Each of us has a reason to be of great gratitude to those who have returned us the flame ”


"I don't know what your fate will be, but one thing I know for sure: the only ones that will be really happy will be those who have sought and found how to serve"

are just two of the wise thoughts of the great Dr. Albert Schweitzer who dedicated his life to the treatment of people in Africa. You have provided the average for this through your amazing talent to the piano, giving concerts in Europe.

Before becoming a doctor, Dr. Schweitzer had a glamorous and promising career of a musician, philosopher and theologian. Observing his vow that he will "live for himself by his age of 30", after that he devotes herself to medicine and after graduating, with his wife Elena, who in turn is learned for honey. A sister, they leave for French Guyana, where they founded a hospital entirely with their own funds in the village of Lambane, today in Gabon - a project that exists to this day. From that moment on, the world will know him as the "lambing doctor".

You can see all the material here

Source: Quo vadis Quo vadis

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