Replacement of newborn vaccines in 2021

Replacement of newborn vaccines in 2021

To ensure continuity and sustainability of the immunization process and the implementation of the national immunization policy, in 2020, the IC concluded new biennial contracts for the supply of vaccines for mandatory immunizations.

On the separate position for a vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio and hemophilus influenza type B (six component) for the current year a contract for the delivery of the HEXACIMA vaccine, manufacturer Sanof Pasteur manufacturer. It is designed to cover with three doses of newborn children at the age of 2 months.

At present, however, another six-component vaccine Infanrix Hexa, a gulxosmituncular manufacturer, is applied in the country.

The summary of the product and the two vaccines does not appear that the same can be replaced by other vaccines. In this respect, and in order to exhaust the quantities available in the IM warehouse, Infanrix Hexa, it is necessary to take the following actions to prevent unprecedented children with three doses of six component vaccine from one manufacturer.

  1. Informing general practitioners on the territory of the area you are controlled for the forthcoming change in the six-component vaccines used.

Preparation and provision by general practitioners of inquiries in RZI concerning:

needed to obtain from RZI Infanrix Hexa to cover newborns with primary immunization.

Children born in February 2021 included in their patient sheets in order to provide RZI to the required three doses for primary immunization.

3 . Establishment of an organization for the provision of general practitioners of the necessary doses to cover the underlying children with three doses of Infanrix Hexa vaccine.

We draw attention to the existence of Infanrix Hexa after that allocation, they should be provided three doses of general practitioners for the cover of children born after February.

Source: Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България

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