BLS expresses condolences to families, relatives and colleagues of Dr. Plamen Palica

BLS expresses condolences to families, relatives and colleagues of Dr. Plamen Palica

BLS expresses his profound condolences to the family, relatives and colleagues of Dr. Plamen Palica; Hospital "Tsaritsa Yoana" -Asul

The treacherous disease has destroyed another colleague and a friend committed to the profession and patients who dignified his professional and moral debt.

Dr. Plamen Palica graduated from MU-Sofia in 1985. There is a specialty inner diseases. From 1985 to 1992 he was Head of Medical Service in Malko Tarnovo. From 1992 to 1999 he worked at the CSM-Sofia, and then became a senior ordinator at the University Hospital "St. Anna"-Sofia. In 2008, he returned to the CSM Sofia as a head of work, and in 2016 to his sevide he worked in an emergency department of the UMBAL Jesul.

Bow in front of his memory!

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