BLS declares a competition under a program to support, training and building leadership and communication skills among future doctors for 2021-2022.

BLS declares a competition under a program to support, training and building leadership and communication skills among future doctors for 2021-2022.

Since 01.11.2021 begins the adoption of documents on the traditional GLS scholarship program for financially stimulating future 5th and 6th courses, specialty "Medicine" in the course of their academic growth. In the conditions of the next wave of the pandemic and the rising expectations of society to doctors, the need to stimulate future doctors who find themselves from the most useful in COVID compartments and give their youth enthusiasm and good expertise in mastering situations . Future doctors will receive GLS scholarships within 9 months. According to the program last year, record scholars and 100 future doctors received monthly funding.

The conditions of which the candidates for 2021-2022 must be met are:

-Adust from the higher education institution from which it is apparent that the candidate is a regular student 5th or 6th course with a mean success above 5.0 from the beginning of the following.

Prescription of a foreign language is an advantage in the ranking of candidates, which is certified by a certificate or diploma for a completed language school.

Documents on this part of the program will be adopted by the end of November.

For the first time of financial support, students studying the specialty "Medicine" in Bulgaria and their organizations that prepare and conduct medical events (trainings, seminars, congresses, etc.)

Traditionally, GLS will support research projects and participation in national and international scientific forums of young doctors up to 35 years, specialists, PhD students (regular or independent preparation) who have a training contract and not dedicated at the date of filing the application . Applying for funding is throughout the year.

Documents are adopted by Monday to Wednesday including at: Sofia, Acad Blvd. IV. Geshov "No 15, Hygiene Center, fl. 2, office 6 from 09.00 to 16.00 online documents can be submitted throughout the week of email

Full information about campaign conditions can be found in the "Active Campaigns" section and in the link below.

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