BLS is behind the Bulgarian doctors
BLS position
The BLS Managing Board supports [the position of a metropolitan college] ( and stands behind his colleagues from all over the country!
It is no coincidence that two days ago, the professional organization came up with a position, which firmly opposed the attempts for administrative harassment by the NHIF over medical institutions involved actively with the treatment of CIVID-19 patients.
During the past difficult and severe year, the BMA has repeatedly alerted about the unfair, arrogant and bureaucratic attitude on the part of the NHIF. The position of the metropolitan doctors only [confirmed the following from the BLS Board] ( a day ago.
BMA is categorical: the professional organization is behind the interests of Bulgarian doctors and will defend their rights! We will not agree to fund the medical institutions to be stopped, we will not agree to return funds given to their survival! Such an attitude towards healing establishments can lead to mass medical protests across the country.
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