Dr. Nellie Nesheva: Vaccinated doctors are 62 per cent

Dr. Nellie Nesheva: Vaccinated doctors are 62 per cent

Vaccinated medics in Bulgaria are 53%, only doctors with a completed vaccination cycle are 62%. This commented in the transmission "This morning" Dr. Nellie Nesheva, a member of the BLS Managing Board.

"You have to add those who have prejudiced and follow their antibodies," said Dr. Nesheva.

According to her, the low result of the number of vaccinated in Bulgaria and that Bulgaria can not boast of good ranking means there are gaps. The official government is in its power to consider what they were, Dr. Nellie Nesheva said.

"Many countries have allowed them to offer incentives when vaccination against coronaviruses. If we can even a compression percentage to activate people, make them think of vaccination as a good and responsible, it is also a variant, "said Dr. Nesheva.

In her words, over 120 medics have died with proven Covid-19 after they were actively involved in the treatment of such patients.

"The Governing Board of the BLS voted to propose an increase in the cost of the Covid-19 clinical pathway" Dr. Nesheva announced. And add: "The decisions are taken at the negotiating table, we are partners with the healthcare and after talks with them will become clear what the increase will be."

On the occasion of the NHIF checks, Dr. Nesheva was categorical that control should have, but it should not be suffered by the doctors. "Control should be in such scales that it is not felt as an administrative harassment, to be targeted at the essential problems," she was categorical.

"Doctors are people who suffer from the system and malfilance, not only society. They are on the first line and the most feel this, "said Dr. Nellie Nesheva.

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Source: bTV Media Group bTV Media Group

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