Fresh Market and Metro shops with special discounts for doctors

Fresh Market and Metro shops with special discounts for doctors

[ Fresh Mark ET] ( and [M Agazin Metro ] (https://www.metro/magazini#store- Locator_g =) n are redefined preferential conditions for all doctors in the country.

Each member of the Bulgarian Medical Association can benefit from the preferential conditions offered by Metro stores, and for this purpose it must claim its special metro map.

The steps to be taken to receive the plastic are described on the BLS website at the following link: [** https: //] (https: // blsbg .com/bg/metro_p10963.html)

[ Fresh Market Food Stores Chain ] ( P Redeem a 5% discount for all doctors. The discount is charged on the final value of the purchase, as it does not apply to cigarettes, tobacco products, as well as items that are currently at another promotional price, are included in a brochure or internal action.

With the specific offers you can get acquainted with the specially created "Stores" section of the Bulgarian Medical Union website, which you can see here: [ chance://blsbg .com/bg/magazini_c81)

For more information, you can contact the headquarters of the professional organization by telephone: \ [0889 483597 ] (TEL: 0889 483597) and by email:

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