National Operational Plan to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic

National Operational Plan to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic

On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced an urgency of public health of international importance related to the distribution of a coronavirus infection called later Covid-19. On March 11, DZO, due to the strong distribution of Covid-19 and after assessing the situation defines the situation as "pandemic".

The situation that has occurred with the occurrence of coronavirus is with unseen scale. This necessitated the introduction of new measures globally, which put the capacity of health systems under exceptional pressure.

The Challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic created unprecedented cooperation within the European Union (EU), which exceeded the traditional framework of action. The cross-border nature of the crisis has imposed the demand for joint action and the implementation of a more structured and comprehensive policy within the Community based on enhanced coordination at all levels and the adoption of consensus at European SiC level. The Community institutions approved documents with a package of measures that covered an increasing number of health areas and other public life policies in order to coordinate the actions of the Member States and support them in monitoring and limiting the consequences of the pandemic.

The emerging pandemics impose solutions to deal with to seek and impose at national level. So far, four Covid-19 waves have passed through the country, the last two with severe pressure on the hospital system.

Bulgaria is at the beginning of a new - fifth wave where the dominant viral version is expected to be the variant of anxiety called OMICRON.

In view of the observed explosive increase in the number of newly developed persons in this version of COVID-19, leading to simultaneous illness, isolation, quarantine and the substantial denial of a substantial number of persons have to adapt and adjust the national pandemic plan. It is necessary to draw up a new adapted national plan based on the National SARS-COV-2 pandemic plan providing readiness for a maximum adequate response to the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and an inter-ministerial and complex approach to manage management Such unusual situations to counteract the health and public consequences associated with the mass dissemination of a contagious disease.


The main objective of the National Pandemic Plan by Covid-19 is the creation of an adequate organization for timely taking action for:

· Limit the morbidity and reduction of CVID-19 mortality;

· Ensuring optimal opportunities for the treatment of ill-adopted standards;

· Maintaining the functioning of fundamental services sectors and services;

· Providing constant, reliable and up-to-date information on society on the course of the pandemic and the measures taken.

You can see all the material here

Source: Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България

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WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists