
Oncologist behind the lens

Oncologist behind the lens

For photographic staff, literature and beauty surrounding us, "Prof. Dr. Georgi Baychev said

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: We will insist on increasing path prices by at least 15-20%

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: We will insist on increasing path prices...

NHIF has to pay more attention to patients rather than documentation

October 1: 502 162 are infected with COVID-19 in our country, the cured are 437 321

October 1: 502 162 are infected with COVID-19 in our country,...

2,050 are newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection in our country last day

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Continuing medical training must be compulsory

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Continuing medical training must be compulsory

A strategic goal is re-introduction into the future parliament of changes to regulate mandatory continuing medical training.

September 30: 500 112 are infected with Covid-19 in Bulgaria, 435 780 is cured

September 30: 500 112 are infected with Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...

288 or 13.45% of the new cases established during the last day are to persons with a completed vaccination cycle.

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Can not only doctors are responsible for health, there is also the patient

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Can not only doctors are responsible for...

This was stated by the President of BLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov during the round table dedicated to the National Cardiovascular Plan, organized by the Bulgarian Cardiologists and Capital...

The Covid zones are keen

The Covid zones are keen

Personal doctors can not complete holes, we have many questions we are waiting for answers, says Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov

29 September: 497 970 are infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria, 434 474 are cured

29 September: 497 970 are infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria,...

2 573 are newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection in our country in the passing day. 1 382 of them were established with PCR and 1 191 with rapid antigenic tests.

Dr. Brunzalov: revealed Kovid zones under pressure, not helping patients and doctors

Dr. Brunzalov: revealed Kovid zones under pressure, not helping...

"There are definitely wanting for the third dose of vaccine," said the Deputy Chairman of the GLS

The deadline for sending nominations for "doctor of the year 2021" is approaching

The deadline for sending nominations for "doctor of the year...

Your nominations expect until 30.09.2021 of

28 September: 495 397 are infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria, 432 315 are cured

28 September: 495 397 are infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria,...

2 536 are newly diagnosed with COVID-19 in us in the last 24 hours. Of these, 808 are established with PCR and 1 728 - with rapid antigenic tests.



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WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists