The Pleven Medical College supports the position of the RC of the BMA - Sofia and the RC of the BMA - Varna

The Pleven Medical College supports the position of the RC of the BMA - Sofia and the RC of the BMA - Varna

The Pleven medical college stands behind his colleagues from Sofia and Varna and their positions. The RC of the BMS - Pleven supports the metropolitan doctors in the request of Prof. Petko Salchev - Manager of NHIF. And also: The Pleven Medical College also supported his colleagues from Varna and their position and asked for the funds to be paid to determine the amount of the amounts paid by the NHIFs of MD contractors to DPs and of the MDA, working under unfavorable conditions on occasion of declared epidemic atmosphere, as well as to be formed an expert group to the BMA to review the criteria set out in clinical paths algorithms.


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WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists