Discontinue planning and planned operations in the medical establishments on the territory of the country

Discontinue planning and planned operations in the medical establishments on the territory of the country

From today, November 4, planning and planning operations in the medical establishments are temporarily discontinued on the territory of the country. An exception is allowed for organ transplant activities, tissues and cells, diagnosis and treatment of patients with oncological and oncochematological diseases, assisted reproduction and birth activities, regardless of the noding method, rehabilitation activities, prolonged treatment and psychiatric assistance. This is stated in order of the Minister of Health Dr. Stoycho Katsarov, issued today.

In the same order, all vaccination documents, pre-crime and study for COVID-19, which in Bulgaria is recognized as "green certificate" are exhaustive. For each of the documents, validity is mentioned.

Among the changes is that we will already receive a green certificate 15 days after placing a first dose of vaccines against Covid-19 rather than as before - immediately after vaccination. It is about the initial document that applies only on the territory of Bulgaria.

With the order you can get acquainted with the attachment.

You can see all the material here

Source: Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България

Заповед № РД-01-890/03.11.2021 г.

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