The NHIF manager wants the supervision to allocate funds to the budget

The NHIF manager wants the supervision to allocate funds to the budget

According to paragraph 1, para. 2 of the NHIF Budget Act for 2021 The Union's funds for health insurance payments may be used under conditions and in terms defined jointly by the NHS of the NHIF and the BNS Management Board, respectively the BLS .

Despite the clear legal requirement, Prof. Petko Salchev stated to the members of the Supervisory Board on 7 October, which is apparent from the country's stenogram the following:

" By the end of the year, the Supervisory Board takes decisions to redistribute the funds for what will happen as it is by law . There are two options, as has always been done. We offer the medical institutions to take advance for January, as we January is our December reporting in order to cover the costs of winter. The other option is - the funds are redistributed to other health insurance payments as in accordance with the law. In the MDA we have an expected shortage, with dental practitioners too. So if remaining funds, they will be allocated by a supervisor solution **.

What is said by Prof. Salchev is in violation of the NHIF budget law for 2021 and raises the issue of the NHIF's supervision to redistribute the funds, ignoring the contract partners BMS and the BLS. Such behavior violates the legislation of the country and is an attempt to sole decisions that are detrimental to colleagues doctors.

Bulgarian medical union strongly opposes the experience of illegal use of the funds of health insured persons.

Параграф 1, ал. 2 от Закона за бюджета на НЗОК за 2021 г.
Стенограмата от заседанието на 07.10. 2021 г. на НС на НЗОК можете да прочетете тук

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