BLS to the NHIF: The discrepancy of data received in the NHIS and those submitted in the monthly electronic reports of the doctors to the NHIF shall not be considered as a ground for rejecting payment of reported and carried out activity for June June

BLS to the NHIF: The discrepancy of data received in the NHIS and those submitted in the monthly electronic reports of the doctors to the NHIF shall not be considered as a ground for rejecting payment of reported and carried out activity for June June


Assoc. Vasil Pandov

President of the National Assembly of the NHIF


Prof. Petko Salchev

NHIF manager

Dear Assoc. Pandov,

Dear Prof. Salchev,

According to § 97. para 1, item 1 of the contract RD-01-04-13 of 29.04.2022 for amendment and supplement of the R&D for medical activities 2020-2022, the executors of outpatient medical care from 01.06.2022 D., issued electronically primary medical documents ("outpatient sheet" (bl. "(Bl. Health Information System (NZIS).

And from 01.07.2022, the condition under § 44. (New Paragraph 9a in Article 206) of the Treaty, for control by the NHIF of the conformity between the submitted with the electronic reports of the doctors working in medical medical establishments assistance, medical assistance provided and medical diagnostic activity with the information submitted to the NZIS.

As you know, for reasons beyond their independent reasons, the outpatient medical providers have encountered significant difficulty in fulfilling the conditions under § 97 para. 1, item 1, in connection with § 45 of the Treaty, for the issuance and reporting of electronic direction and submission of information in the NZI

In connection with the foregoing, we offer you only for June 2022, in the event of a discrepancy of the data received in the NHIS and the data from the monthly electronic reports to the NHIF (XML files), not to be grounds for rejecting the payment of the reported and carried out activity for the month S

In this way, additional tension will be avoided by fellow performers of primary outpatient and specialization of medical care.


Dr. Ivan Madjarov

Board of Directors

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