BLS: we insist on negotiations with the NHIF to be public and be streamed in real time

BLS: we insist on negotiations with the NHIF to be public and be streamed in real time

Dear Prof. SALCHEV,

In connection with your letter ex. No 17-01-259 / 20.10.2021, implemented I send you our principle proposals that we would like to be laid down in an agreement to allocate the reconciled balance of funds intended for health insurance costs under the relevant health insurance rows for primary outpatient , specialized outpatient and hospital medical attention under Art. 1, para. 2 of LBN 2021

Our proposal you were familiar and presented and discussed in principle of workshops with NHIF employees, is: with the undue balance of PIMP budgets, Simp and BMP to take an additional payment for the performed and reported activities by the contractors of medical assistance under contract with NHIF in 2021

We believe that by accepting and signing the terms and procedure under § 1, para. 2 of the PSP of the LBNA for 2021 between the NHIF and BMA we will give the necessary stability and security of the healthcare system for upcoming serious months, we will achieve the stimulus and financial support currently vital and financial support from all levels of the system - hospitals, General practitioners and specialists in outpatient care.

Dear Prof. SALCHEV,

In connection with the intensified public interest on the stability of the system and proof of the transparency of the contractual process, we insist on negotiations between the GLS and NHIF to be public and be streamed online in real time.

The letter and suggestion can be found in the attachment.

Писмо от УС на БЛС до НЗОК във връзка с предстоящите преговори и предложението на БЛС за разпределяне на неразходвания остатък от средствата, предназначени за разходи за здравноосигурителни плащания

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International partners

WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists