BLS turned to his colleagues, doctors from all over the country, asking for opinions on the ambulatory treatment and observation of Kovid patients
Today, 20.08.2021, in the BLS headquarters, a letter was received accompanied by a project of the Methodology for Ambulatory Treatment and Monitoring of Covid Patients with a deadline for consideration and return of recommendations and an opinion by 15:00 at the latest.
In this connection, the BML turned to all colleagues, doctors in the country, asking for comment, opinions and opinions on the project to complement the methodology (the methodology can be viewed in the following rows and as an attachment)
They can be sent by 27.08.2021. of: [ ] (MailTo: or at: Acad. Ivan Geshov 15, Hygiene Center for Bulgarian Medical Union.
Предложение на НСОПЛБ по Проекта за Методика за амбулаторно лечение и наблюдение на КОВИД пациентиПроект на Методиката за амбулаторно лечение и наблюдение на КОВИД пациенти
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