Guaranteed money for first-line medics

Guaranteed money for first-line medics

In connection with inquiries from medical establishments related to ambiguity and disputes in the interpretation and application of the Metodics to determine the amounts paid by the NHIF of medical care contractors, dental aid and medical-diagnostic activities for work under unfavorable conditions On the occasion of a declared epidemic setting GLS with a proposal to the NAF of the NHIF for a joint indication. It is definitely guaranteed the agreed funds for medics from hospital and outpatient medical care. Or: Money for GP and DCC is determined on the foundation of the morality of Kovide in the country. For employees in hospitals, net additional labor remuneration amounts to BGN 1000, respectively BGN 1200 in morbidity data over 600 per 100,000 people when a full-time schedule has worked in the relevant clinic / compartment / structure. For staff who have no full working month - the amount of the additional remuneration is calculated percentage compared to the timetable in the respective structure of hours / days for the month.

We categorically declare that the amount of the aforementioned remuneration does not depend on the hours during which the staff have carried out direct monitoring, diagnosis and treatment activities of a confirmed case of COVID-19, and from scheduled hours during the month in the relevant structure .

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