Great thanks for the first surgery medics at the 5th MBAL "Knyaginya Clementina" by Vesela Petrova

Great thanks for the first surgery medics at the 5th MBAL "Knyaginya Clementina" by Vesela Petrova


By Vesela Emilova Petrova, Sofia, as a patient in First Surgery at the 5th MBAL "Knyaginya Clementina", Sofia

For the period 23.05.2022 - 31.05.2022

Dear Dr. Zarkov,

Dear Prof. Serbezova,

Dear Dr. Petrov,

Dear Dr. Madjarov,

With this letter, I would like to express my great appreciation and gratitude for your attention and care during my successive treatment in First Surgery at the 5th MBAL "Knyaginya Clementina", Sofia.

For the second time, I am a patient of Dr. Assen Assenov - a decent, ethical, authoritative and brilliant professional, a definite example in his high noble field. I am impressed with his human, heart rate and kindness not only to me, but also to all other patients. I also express deep appreciation to Dr. Peter Velinov and Dr. E. Yanev - part of the team during my surgical treatment - respected professionals and authorities in his field.

I also express my heartfelt thanks to the whole team of First Surgery at the 5th MBAL "Knyaginya Clementina" - Sofia - doctors, nurses, secretaries and nurses, under whose care I was during the postoperative, recovery period.

I wish health, strength and adamant will to continue to successfully fulfill your mission!

For me and my family, you are all a worthy example of people who have devoted their lives to this difficult and holy profession, at the heart of which the highest moral values ​​are laid. Grandure for finding the strength and dedication to work with the heart, despite the unstable and increasingly incomprehensible time.

I believe in your well-deserved highest place in society and your tribute and trust.


Sincerely: Vesela Emilova Petrova

Благодарствено писмо от Весела Емилова Петрова

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