Insulting and unacceptable is the failure of key negotiations by the National Association of NHIF

Insulting and unacceptable is the failure of key negotiations by the National Association of NHIF

The management of the BML was not accepted by the NHIF. The meeting for a meeting was addressed to the professional organization for 14.30 this afternoon, but after the representatives of the BMA were waiting outside 20 minutes and were not accepted, they left the building of the Health Fund.

An offensive and unacceptable the failure of key negotiations by the National Assembly of the NHIF.

Probably members of NHIF's NWC (Dr. Alexander Zlatanov - Chairman-MH, Lyudmila Petkova - MF, Maria Belomorova - MH, Rumen Speaker - Executive Director of NRA, Dr. Ivan Kokalov - CITUB, Teodor Vassilev - KT "Support "Prof. Dr. Krasimir Gigov - BRC, Maria Petrova - SSI, Adv. Hristina Nikolova-Credi) are experienced as lords of the money of health-insured citizens.

We recall that according to Art. 5 of the Health - Mandatory Health Insurance shall be carried out on the principles of: publicity in the activities of the NHIF and public control over its costs. BMS is a guarantor of implementing the proclamations in Art. 5, item 11 of the MHI principle of publicity.

Tomorrow (03.11.2021) from 11 hours in BTA (Tsarigradsko shose Blvd.) Bulgarian medical union and a Bulgarian pharmaceutical union will give a joint press conference.

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International partners

WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists