MH recommendations related to vaccination against COVID-19

MH recommendations related to vaccination against COVID-19

Recommendations by the Ministry of Health and the Immunoprophylance Expert Board related to vaccination against COVID-19.

✓ In cases treated by COVID-19 after application of the first dose of vaccines with a dual immunization regimen, the second dose of vaccine is placed not earlier than 90 days after laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis.

✓ Created by COVID-19 can be vaccinated with a complete immunization circuit not earlier than 90 days after laboratory diagnosis confirmation.

✓ Boster dose of vaccine after a completed vaccine is administered not earlier than 90 days from the date of placing the second dose (at the two-dose vaccines) and the first dose (with one-dose vaccines).

✓ MRNA vaccine (the Pfizer / Biontech manufacturer or manufacturer Moderna) can be placed as a booster dose after a completed vaccine course with a vector vaccine no earlier than 90 days after the completed vaccination course.

✓ In relation to the estimated increased risk of myocardiums and pericardies in adolescents and young men after administration of mRNA vaccines, although in very rare cases, predominantly administered with SpikeVax in men to 30 years to prefer booster Comirnaty.

✓ In homologous as well as in a heterologous dose, the booster dose of SPIKEVAXE 0.25 mL containing 50 micrograms micrograms, which is half the primary dose (approved in the vaccine SPC).

In addition, from 08.01.2022 and according to the Summary of Product Characteristics, the COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN in the National Health Information System (NIS) will be possible to register and place a second dose of COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN 60 days after first dose of the same vaccine as well as placing a booster dose of COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN 90 days after a completed course with a mRNA vaccine ** (ComiRnaty or Spikevax).

We remind that, according to the product approved by the European Medicines Agency, the COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the EU, booster dose of vaccine is applied only in persons at and above 18 years.

Placing a supplementary dose of vaccine, medical judgment and recommendation, in immunocomprometry is possible not earlier than 28 days after a completed vaccination scheme for the following vaccines and age groups:

\ - Comirnaty vaccine - for persons from 5 years;

\ - SPIKEVAX - for people from 12 years up.

In view of the above, please take the necessary actions to inform and explain the medical professionals from temporary immunization points and general practitioners in the country for the recommendations of the IM Expert Advisory Advisory Board and established functionalities in the NIS.

Within its powers, in accordance with the regulations relating to immunizations in the Republic of Bulgaria, each RHI should set up the necessary organization for the systemic surveillance of immunoprophylaxis in the territory of the area, incl. and control over the application and storage of vaccines against COVID-19 and, if necessary, organizational and methodical aid to medical professionals.

Source: Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България

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