Conducting the 73th extraordinary council of Bulgarian Medical Union
At a meeting of the BMA Management Board of 02.11.2021 was decided on 10.12.2021 (Friday) in Plovdiv - Bulgaria Hall on "International Fair Plovdiv" to be held 73th extraordinary council of Bulgarian Medical Union.
The beginning of the registration of the Summit delegates will begin at 09:00 to 11:00 and the beginning of the council will be announced at 11:00.
The council will be held on the following agenda:
1 . Statement of financial implementation of the budget until 30.11.2021. Adoption of a draft budget for 2022.
2 . Presentation, discussion and voting of parameters for Annex to R & D for medical activities 2020-2022 for Part Pimp, Simp, MDA and BMP.
3 . Delegation of the 10-Timata representatives from the BLS Governing Board for signing / untold annex to the R & D for medical activities 2020-2022.
4 . Various
Full information about conducting the match, reservations and overnights of delegates can be found in the attachment.
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Български лекарски съюз с кампания в помощ на лекарите, които търсят работа и лечебните заведения, които набират медици.
Български лекарски съюз рестартира националната си кампания срещу насилието над медици #ПребориГнева със серия от обучения, които са разработени от психолози на Лаборатория за психично здраве - ВМА