Opinion of the NSOPL on the Methodology for Ambulatory Treatment and Monitoring of Covid Patients

Opinion of the NSOPL on the Methodology for Ambulatory Treatment and Monitoring of Covid Patients


Subject: Draft methodology for supplementing the methodology for determining the amounts paid by the NHIF of medical contractors, dental care and medical-diagnostic activities for work on unfavorable conditions on an announced epidemic situation concerning a mild treatment of mild to medium severe form of Kovid-19 in outpatient help

Dear Dr. Katsarov,

We believe that the project proposed today is vocational and financially unacceptable, no benefit to patients and medical care contractors. We insist on taking into account and discussed with the participation of all parties, our proposal for a procedure. We have provided the MH project for a widely, public discussion among our professional group and we support the deadline for discussion in the entire class. Assoc. Prof. Lyubomir Kirov, DM President of the NSOPLB

Становище на НСОПЛБ относно Проект на Методика за определяне на размера на сумите, заплащани от НЗОК, касаещ лечение на лека до средно тежка форма на КОВИД-19 в извънболнична помощ

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