All members of the BLS must introduce their complete and up-to-date data in the BMS Register
Dear colleagues,
In connection with the optimization of the National Register of Professional Organization, we will notify you:
Security and access control requirements set out in the new platform of the National Register allow the issuance of certificates only in complete and up-to-date data to the doctor.
So it is imperative to enter the updated data of you and / or those of your workers (in medical establishments) doctors in the Regional College or the following steps:
1 . Accurate completion of all data in an Excel table (in attachment) that contains the necessary attributes to create a former physician's full profile.
2 . Attach the same table on the SHAREPOINT of the BLS of the following link:
3 . After receiving the completed table, the BLS administrator will fill out the doctors' profiles with the current data, each doctor to receive a notification of the profile verification address and its activation.
Contact person: Dimitar Dimitrov; Tel: [08990664] (TEL: 0899906664)
With respect,
Dr. Ivan Madjarov
/ Chairman of GLS /
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