January 11: 787 178 are infected with Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
6 761 are newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection in our country in the passing day.
moreBLS expresses condolences to the family, relatives and colleagues...
Bulgarian medical union expresses its deep condolences to the family, the colleagues and the nearby Prof. Dr. Ivan Kozovski - a doctor committed to medicine, teaching and patient care...
moreJanuary 10: 780 417 are infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria,...
1 716 are newly diagnosed with COVID-19 persons in Bulgaria for the last 24 hours.
moreExhibition "The Medicine in Antiquity and Middle Ages" in the...
The authors have placed emphasis on the emergence and development of the hospital as a health institution, its structure and funding, its growth as an educational center, the achievements...
more7 January: 770 001 are infected with Covid-19 in Bulgaria, the...
5,525 are newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection, persons in our country in the passing day, 2,870 of which are established with PCR and 2 655 with rapid antigenic tests.
moreAnnouncement of a specialized hospital for active treatment...
The healing establishment recruits doctors and healthcare professionals
moreJanuary 6: 764 476 are infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria, the...
6 766 are newly diagnosed with COVID-19 persons in our country in the last 24 hours.
Също от 7 януари влиза в сила актуализиран списък на държавите по цветови зони.
moreDr. Ivan Madjarov: A new approach to attract the hesitant to...
Hesitious people need to be attracted to immunization, it is necessary to stop with elitist speaking
moreLetter to NHIF in connection with non-paid funds
At the BLS headquarters, Dobrich signaled that so far primary and specialized medical assistance did not receive the funds for a one-time additional payment of PIMP and SMP contractors