Dr. Ivan Madjarov: The staff problem requires bold decisions...
The state of health in Bulgaria and the severe problems during a pandemic at the Academy of Health on Europe
moreFebruary 18: 1 059 192 The confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
4 626 are the newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection in our country in the last day
moreFebruary 17: 1 054 566 Are Covid-19 cases in Bulgaria, the cured...
5,023 are newly diagnosed with COVID-19 persons in our country during the last day.
moreNon-governmental sector: urgent acceleration of the digitization...
Non-governmental sector: urgent acceleration of the digitization process in the health sector and creating a working information system with integrated hospital systems, dobos and...
moreMedicine as a vocation for "Golden Hippocrates" Dr. Tsvetan...
Expect in the next issue of "Quo Vadis"
moreFebruary 16: 1 049 543 The confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
6,589 are newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection in our country in the last 24 hours
moreDr. Nikolay Brunzalov: Digitization is needed so we can preserve...
All general practitioners and specialists in outpatient medical care will already be able to register electronic reviews and issue outpatient sheets in electronic format.
moreDr. Ivan Madjarov: The assessment of the disclosure of hospitals...
I believe that standards should apply to the whole country but to be flexible for remote regions, says Dr. Ivan Madjarov
moreDr. Ivan Madjarov: Emergency assistance should not be a vent...
The Medical Supervision Executive Agency is responsible for controlling whether there is a triage at the entrance to emergency centers in hospitals.
moreFebruary 15: 1 042 954 The confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
6 130 are newly diagnosed with COVID-19 persons in our country over 24 hours.
moreFebruary 14: 1 036 824 The confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
1 539 are newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection in our country in the passing day