
Dr. Borislav Dagarov: The care of the smallest heroes - premature children are becoming better

Dr. Borislav Dagarov: The care of the smallest heroes - premature...

Dr. Borislav Dagarov is among the distinct young doctors in the prestigious category of GLS "You are our future."

February 11: 1 025 129 The confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our country, 728 992 are cured

February 11: 1 025 129 The confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our...

From the new cases proven for the last 24 hours, 76% are of non-vaccinated persons, according to the data in the single information portal.

The three golden hippocrats see their future in Bulgaria

The three golden hippocrats see their future in Bulgaria

The three full excellence of this year's class of Dr. Laura Petrova, Dr. Vladimir Yordanov and Dr. Tsvetan Tonchev

The NHIF budget for 2022 may initiate a policy of staff survival

The NHIF budget for 2022 may initiate a policy of staff survival

We propose to set 1.8 million hospitalizations, but to increase KP prices by 25%, says Dr. Ivan Madjarov

February 10: 1 018 851 The confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria, the cured are 722 347

February 10: 1 018 851 The confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...

74.60% of the new cases proven during the last day are those not vaccinated, according to the data in the single information portal.

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: I hope you stay in Bulgaria and give your knowledge here

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: I hope you stay in Bulgaria and give your...

With these words, the chairman of Bulgarian medical union Dr. Ivan Madjarov turned to graduates from class 2021 at the Medical Faculty of Medical University - Sofia

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: 88% of general practitioners in Bulgaria are over 50, 35 per 100 are in retirement age

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: 88% of general practitioners in Bulgaria...

That said to BTV President of BLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov

February 9: 1 011 588 are the confirmed cases of Covid-19 in our country, 715 602 are cured

February 9: 1 011 588 are the confirmed cases of Covid-19 in...

75.28% of the new cases proven for the past 24 hours are of non-vaccinated persons showing the single information portal.

February 8: 1 003 448 Are Covid-19 cases in Bulgaria, the cure is 707 925

February 8: 1 003 448 Are Covid-19 cases in Bulgaria, the cure...

75.69% of the new cases confirmed in the last day are those not vaccinated, according to the data in the single information portal.

February 7: 995 436 are the confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria, the cured are 702 143

February 7: 995 436 are the confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...

From the new cases proven for the last 24 hours, 76.80% are of non-vaccinated persons, according to the data in the single information portal

February 4: 980 402 The confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria, the cured are 689 326

February 4: 980 402 The confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...

75.60% of new cases proven for the last 24 hours are of non-vaccinated persons, according to data in the single information portal



Gratitude to Dr. Nikolay Kolev and the whole team of specialists, nurses and sanitari to Kooch Tsagora



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WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists