Със същата заповед се допуска влизането в страната, без да е необходимо да представят документи за COVID-19, на деца до 12-годишна възраст, независимо от зоната, в която попада държавата...
moreOver 53 per cent of the medics in Bulgaria are vaccinated against...
Nearly 20,500 of the doctors in Bulgaria are vaccinated against treacherous disease
moreJuly 27: 423 879 are infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria, the...
193 are newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection in our country in the last day. Of these, 91 are detected with PCR and 102 - with rapid antigenic tests.
moreDr. Radislav Nakov: Over 18,000 doctors are registered for e-mm...
Pcs. 5/2021 of "Quo Vadis" publishes information on the start-up partnership between the BMS and Medical News in the E-PMO area (electronic continuing medical training). During the...
moreJuly 23: 423 440 Are the infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria,...
121 are newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection in our country in the last 24 hours, 65 of which are established with PCR and 56 with rapid antigenic tests.
moreProf. Gabrovski: In "Pirogov", it is not about the NHIF and...
This said Prof. Nikolay Gabrovski on the occasion of the meeting initiated ORT BLS, between the medics from the emergency hospital and the management of the Ministry of Health on Wednesday.
moreAcademy. Lachezar Traikov: Science is not an end in itself,...
Acad. Lachezar Traikov has completed medicine at the Medical University - Sofia with specialty neurology. Since 1993 for eight years he has been working in France in the field of dementia,...
moreRC of the BMA - Stara Zagora supported his colleagues from Sofia...
The Stara Zagorese Medical College supports the request and motives of the Capital College of the BLS resignation of the NHIF manager Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev.
moreJuly 22: 423 319 Are infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria, the...
96 are newly diagnosed with COVID-19 persons in our country in the passing day. 38 of these are established with PCR and 58 - with rapid antigenic tests.
moreThe Pleven Medical College supports the position of the RC of...
The RC of the BMS - Pleven supports the metropolitan doctors in the request of Prof. Petko Salchev - Manager of NHIF.
moreAt the initiative of the BMA: Meeting between MH and medics...
"Both sides speak of the exchanged replies that have led to this voltage." This said the Chairman of the BMA following the Joint University of Ministry of Association initiated by...
moreBLS: Medical aggression should stop
The professional organization is behind his attacked colleagues working in emergency aid - Pernik, and behind all medics from the city's emergency center.