Dr. Ivan Mitev: The ability to give a second chance is the driving...
Dr. Ivan Mitev is among the award-winning young medics in the prestigious awards of the BMA "You are our future."
moreDecember 20: 724 793 are infected with Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
80.48% of new cases proven for the past 24 hours are of non-vaccinated persons showing the single information portal - Covid-19.
moreIn memoriam
BLS expresses condolences to the family, relatives and colleagues of Assoc. Dr. Maria Demirova, Ph.D.
moreDr. Gergana Nikolova: Choose the right time and vaccinate
It should be clear to all our patients that chronic illness is based on vaccinating is not a contraindication.
moreDr. Nikolova: On Dec December, we expect the first vaccines...
This was announced in the "Day", Dr. Gergana Nikolova, a general practitioner and a member of the BLS Management Board.
moreDr. Ivan Madjarov: Most important is to solve one of the main...
The President of the GLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov in front of Zdrave.net in a balance for his going year, the expectations for the next and decisions of the 73th extraordinary medical union.
moreDecember 17: 721 819 are infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria,...
81.64% of new cases proven over the passing day are to non-vaccinated persons showing the single information portal.
moreCompetition for Manager of "MBAL - Veliki Preslav" EOOD
Municipal Council - Veliki Preslav extended the deadline for submitting applications to participate in the award of the management of "MBAL - Veliki Preslav" Ltd. - Veliki Preslav.
moreAcademy. Traikov: Bulgaria is perhaps the only country in the...
There is a need to have a guarantee and predictability for the professional development of young people.
moreDr. Ivan Madjarov: Aim for BLS for next year is stronger outpatient...
Our goal to the new Parliament and the new government will be separating significantly more funds for outpatient care - specialized, primary and medical-diagnostic.
moreDecember 15: 718 651 are infected with Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
81.19% of the new cases proven for the last 24 hours are of non-vaccinated persons, according to the data in the single information portal.