Discontinue planning and planned operations in the medical establishments...
Changes also have the rules in issuing a green certificate
moreProfessors: There is no transparency and dialogue from the NHIF
The NHIF takes decisions concerning the health sector, unilaterally and without the diamdic organizations.
moreCultivated organizations Uniform: NHIF makes decisions without...
Around this opinion united at a joint press conference Presidents of the Bulgarian Medical Union, Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Union, the Bulgarian Association of Healthcare Professionals,...
moreDr. Gergana Nikolova: Urgently should sit at the negotiation...
The planned meeting during the yesterday between the GLS and NHIF suffered a hand, and the reason, in Dr. Nikolova, is the attitude towards doctors.
moreDr. Ivan Madjarov: Political instability prevents the crisis...
In hospitals every day you face a dilemma - whether to write someone to enter another who needs hospitalization and how to give oxygen to someone after the oxygen beds are busy, said...
moreDr. Nikolay Brunzalov: The resignation of the NHIF chairman...
At this point that shakes the system that puts extra tension in it should take full responsibility for any consequences, he is categorical.
moreDr. Ivan Madjarov: Science is in front of conspiracies
Causes, patient organizations and MH with general call for vaccination
moreNovember 2: 608 499 are infected with Covid-19 in Bulgaria,...
6 007 are newly diagnosed with coronavirus infection in our country in the last day.
moreDr. Borislav Dangurov: I like to help, it charges me and fills...
Dr. Dangurov is among the awarded category "You are our future" of the BMA
moreDr. Gergana Nikolova: The system is on the limit and will not...
Because of the weak vaccination, the number of infected with COVID-19 grows, the health system is in its limit and the measures are likely to tighten. Around this opinion, Gergana...
moreDr. Brunzalov: We do not accept payment for future activity
If outpatient aids are not allocated in the way we offer will have bankruptcies, Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov warns