A bow to the courage and feat of those grandparents, whose patriotism gives us the right to be proud to be called Bulgarians!
moreMH offers white recipes to be issued on both paper and electronic
This provides for a draft Ordinance amending Ordinance 4, published today for public discussion
moreAn appeal for help for the people in Karlovsko
People from settlements devastated by floods need medical attention
moreStart nominations for the "Doctor of the Year 2022"
The honors will be presented at an official ceremony on October 19 - Bulgarian doctor's Day
moreAnnex to R&D for Medical Activities between NHIF and BLS for...
You can get acquainted with the annex in the attachment.
moreAnnex to R&D 2020-2022 is already a fact
The Management Council of the Bulgarian Medical Association and the Supervisory Board of the NHIF signed the annex to the National Framework Treaty 2020-2022 for medical activities.
moreDr. Madjarov: The fact that Covid-19 runs easier does not give...
The chairman of the BMA, Dr. Ivan Madjarov, spoke from Zdrave.net about the upcoming annex to the R&D, which is expected to be signed this week, the valuation of medical and nursing...
Апел за съдействие относно проблема около препарата Ozempik, който се използва извън показанията отразени в неговата Кратка характеристика.
moreLess than three weeks remain until the 11th Congress of Southeast-European...
The event has been accredited with 17 loans from the European Council for Continuous Medical Training